

Children age 18 months through Pre-K attend weekly chapel in the Messiah Lutheran Church Sanctuary. Week after week, Chrysalis children will experience age appropriate lessons that are biblically solid, surprising, and have a high impact all week long. 


Chrysalis promotes early literacy development. Our library is filled with books and hopefully will fulfill a lifelong love of the written word for all ages. Children have a scheduled day to check out library books and take them home in a special library bag. Our librarian organizes our books and may assist you in finding that special book.


Provides developmentally appropriate activities for infants through Pre-K. Our program allows children to develop spiritually, physically, emotionally, intellectually, and socially. The program provides learning opportunities in language and literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, and the arts. Chrysalis also integrates concepts from the Rice Literacy and Culture Project which lays a strong foundation for reading and writing. 


Chrysalis offers customized Spanish time. Children are exposed to the Spanish language and culture through songs, music, games, and rhymes. This culturally rich journey is available for infants through Pre-K.


Tablets are located in our Pre-K classrooms and computers are in place for our Before and After students. These devices are offered as a supplement to our curriculum and gives children the opportunity to experience technology in a fun way!


American Sign Language is presented to infants through Pre-K. Studies show that Sign language facilitates the development of linguistic , cognitive, and social-emotional skills in young children and improve educational outcomes for older children.


Chrysalis utilizes the WEE Learn Curriculum written with NAEYC guidelines which

provides each child opportunities to develop at his/her own pace in the following:

Physical                                                                           Social/Emotional

- use many complex reflexes                                     

- show alertness when talked to

- begin to reach toward objects                                   

- smile broadly at others

- hold up their heads                                                   

- begin to initiate social interchange

- sit without support                                                   

- become quiet in unfamiliar settings

- roll over, crawl                                                          

- make eye contact

- look for dropped toys                                               

- are interested in other children

Mental  and Spiritual

- use senses to learn                                                  

- develop a sense of trust as needs are met consistently    

- recognize principal caregivers                                    

- sense attitudes and expressions of love
- use vocal and non-vocal communication                      

- learn to associate God's name with love and trust
- react differently to familiar and unfamiliar sounds                

- know and respond to name

- may point to the Bible and pictures of Jesus

Chrysalis utilizes the WEE Learn Curriculum written with NAEYC guidelines which provides each child opportunities to develop at his/her own pace in the following:

Physical                                                               Social/Emotional
- sit well in chairs                                                        - imitate household actions
- climb                                                                       - play simple games
- love to explore                                                         - can practice "taking turns"
- use markers on paper                                               - like to exert control
- carry objects from place to place                                - recognize others' emotions
- move constantly                                                      

Mental                                                                  Spiritual
- remember simple events                                            - begin to make simple choices
- begin to group familiar objects                                    - continue to grow in trust of adults
- use trial and error in learning                                      - begin to distinguish between
- can point to body parts                                                 acceptable and unacceptable behavior
- understand and use words for items                            - begin to recognize simple pictures of
- try to make themselves understood                               Jesus



Chrysalis utilizes an accredited curriculum for our academic learning such as mathematics, handwriting and language and development. In addition, we offer hands-on manipulation and learning through play, which provides each child opportunities to develop at his/her own pace and interests in the following:

Physical                                                            Spiritual-Sparkhouse Bible

- develop preference for right or left hand                  - can sing simple songs about God and

- stand on one foot and balance                                  Jesus

- jump on tiptoes                                                     - can say "thank you" to God

- walk between parallel lines                                     - can listen to Bible stories

- have better gross-motor coordination                      

- help undress self

Mental                                                                Social/Emotional

- use 5 to 300 words                                                 - take interest in family

- begin using sentences                                             - try to help

- identify self by gender                                             - initiate play with peers

- follow simple directions                                           - can be loving and affectionate

- match, compare, group, sort items                           - are responsive to others' moods

- enjoy repetition                                                       - use imagination

- begin using numbers                                               - strongly assert independence

- repeat songs

- know colors

three year old's

Chrysalis utilizes an accredited curriculum for our academic learning such as mathematics, handwriting and language and development. In addition, we offer hands-on manipulation and learning through play, which provides each child opportunities to develop at his/her own pace and interests in the following:

Social/Emotional                                            Mental
- try to please adults; conform more often                 - use 300-1000 words
- begin to show some self-control                             - learn short songs
- take turns more readily                                          - display creativity and imagination
- like to hear own voice                                            - do one thing at a time
- respond to verbal guidance and enjoy                     - begin speaking in complete sentences
  encouragement                                                     - want to know what things are and
- play with others                                                           how they work
- have imaginary friends              

Physical                                                            Spiritual-SparkHouse Bible
- use large muscles                                                  - can identify some Bible characters/stories
- dress self fairly easily                                             - enjoy singing songs
- display some fine motor skills                                  - understand that God, Jesus, the Bible, 
- notice the differences in boys and girls                       and church are special
                                                                              - try to please adults
                                                                              - begin to understand consequences of


Chrysalis utilizes an accredited curriculum for our academic learning such as mathematics, handwriting and language and development. In addition, we offer hands-on manipulation and learning through play, which provides each child opportunities to develop at his/her own pace and interests in the following:

Mental                                                             Physical
- remember name and address                                - show good large muscle coordination
- have increased attention span                               - develop a longer, leaner body
- can do two things at once                                     - develop fine motor control for cutting
- are imaginative                                                      with scissors, painting, and drawing
- show a curiosity about life cycle                             - walk backward
- understand time concepts better                            - need a high level of physical activity
- use 500-2000 words

Social/Emotional                                           Spiritual-Sparkhouse Bible
- have total confidence in own abilities                     - like to retell Bible stories
- are bossy; show great independence                     - enjoy Bible-verse games
- tattle frequently                                                   - recognize that God and Jesus love people
- focus on cooperative play and take turns                  and help people in special ways
- like to be helpers if they initiate the idea                 - accept responsibility for helping people
- respond to reason, humor, and firmness                 - begin to develop a conscience

before & after school care

It is Enriching!

Our Before and/or After School enrichment program includes:

  • Elementary-aged children                             
  • Homework assistance
  • Enrichment programs offered
  • Family atmosphere
  • Bible stories
  • Gardening Program
  • Snacks
  • Servicing local public elementary schools.  Please call for locations.

Chrysalis offers summer day camp

Join us for a FUN-filled Summer in a Christian atmosphere!

Extended hours and flexible schedules make camp affordable & convenient for parents.

Campers may attend by the week or the month. (Ages 6 weeks to 12 years) YOU choose!

Special pricing for infants - 17 months.

Each session offers a theme involving:

* Camp meetings                              * Fun reading program

* Bible stories                                    * Scientific explorations                         

* Creative arts/Crafts                         * Fun and Silly Camp Songs

* Gross motor activities                     * Edible designs and more

                                                            * Special activities by on-site guest